Your Councillors

Kippax Parish Council is made up of 16 Councillors, each representing one of the three Kippax Wards. Find out more about each Councillor and how to contact them below. 

To view the Parish Wards map go to then click on Parish Ward maps.


We currently have two casual vacancies which will be filled by co-option at the Full Council meeting to be held on Thursday 16th January 2025.  For further information please see Councillor Vacancies


Martin Eyre


Chairman of Planning Committee 

Chairman of Community Pantry Committee 

Chairman of Christmas Lights Committee 

Chairman of Youth and Leisure Committee 

Vice Chairman of Finance and Corporate Governance Committee 

Martin is Chairman of KPC, as well as Chairman of the Planning Committee, Christmas Lights Committee, Community Pantry Committee and Youth and Leisure Committee and Vice Chairman of the Finance and Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the Village Services Committee, Newsletter Committee and the Personnel Committee. He is a very active councillor and dedicates a lot of time to supporting special projects throughout the village.

Darren Martin

Vice Chairman 

Chairman of Finance and Corporate Governance Committee

Chairman of Newsletter Committee  

Chairman of Personnel Committee 

Vice Chairman of Village Services Committee

Vice Chairman of Youth and Leisure Committee 

Darren is a dedicated Parish Councillor and is Vice Chairman of the Council. He is also Chairman of the Finance and Corporate Governance Committee, the Newsletter Committee and the Personnel Committee, and Vice Chairman of the Villages Services Committee and Youth and Leisure Committee and an active member of the Planning Committee and Christmas Lights Committee. He is keen to help support and develop Kippax for the future.

Julia Almond

Vice Chairman of Personnel Committee

Vice Chairman of Community Pantry Committee 

Julia is a dedicated Parish Councillor, she is the Vice Chairman of the Personnel Committee and the Community Pantry Committee as well as an active member of the Finance and Corporate Governance Committee, the Newsletter Committee, the Christmas Lights Committee, the Youth and Leisure Committee and the Planning Committee.  She is a very active member of the village, holds an active role in the High Street Team and regularly helping to organise events and projects throughout the village.


Grayson was co-opted onto Kippax Parish Council in December 2023 and serves on the Youth and Leisure Committee.

Lesley Eyre

Lesley was co-opted onto Kippax Parish Council in April 2024.  She is a member of the Christmas Lights Committee, Community Pantry Committee, Youth and Leisure Committee and Finance and Corporate Governance Committee. Her passion is the Community Pantry, helping to support vulnerable families. She has experience in helping organise events and enjoys meeting people.  

Peter Eyre


Peter was co-opted onto Kippax Parish Council in January 2025. He is a volunteer at the Community Pantry and is focussed in this area to help assure the continued success of this essential facility.  As an RAF veteran of almost 34 years, it's time for him to settle into the community and help with the continued improvement of Kippax Parish as a whole.  

Gail Hardwick

Gail Hardwick

Central Ward

50 Oxford Drive

Register of interests

Vice-Chairman of Christmas Lights Committee  

Vice-Chairman of  Planning Committee  

Gail plays a very active role in the village, alongside her role on the Parish Council she also leads the Girl Guides unit for Kippax. As a councillor, she in the Vice Chairman on the  the Christmas Lights Committee and Planning Committee and a member of the Finance and Corporate Governance Committee and the Personnel Committee.

Alan Hudspith

Chairman of Village Services Committee 

Alan joined Kippax Parish Council in 2021 and is Chairman of the Village Service Committee. Alan is also a keen 'Wombler' and takes prides in clearing Kippax and our surrounding areas of litter and helping to coordinate a team of other Wombling volunteers.


Josie Mawson

Josie was co-opted on to Kippax Parish Council in May 2020 and is a member of the Christmas Lights Committee, Personnel Committee, Community Pantry Committee and Youth and Leisure Committee.  Josie also serves as President of KAOS (Kippax Amateur Operatic Society) and have been a committee member for over 40 years.


Ann Parker

Ann has been a Parish Councillor for several years and plays a key role in the Village Services Committee, keeping an eye on the village and ensuring any problems or concerns are rectified. Ann also serves on the Community Pantry Committee and has spent many years working at Brigshaw High School.

Catherine was co-opted onto Kippax Parish Council in April 2024 and serves on the Christmas Lights Committee, Community Pantry Committee, Finance and Corporate Governance Committee and Youth and Leisure Committee

Glynn Pearson

 Vice-Chairman of Newsletter Committee

 Glynn was co-opted onto Kippax Parish Council in September 2023 and is Vice Chairman of the Newsletter Committee and an active  member of the Christmas Lights Committee, Finance and Corporate Governance Committee, Planning Committee and Village Services Committee.  He would like to help put something back into the community and help with some of the great things the Parish Council does to help the community.



Janet Purcell

Janet has served as a Councillor for several years and is an active member of the Youth and Leisure Committee, Personnel Committee and Community Pantry Committee

Helen Richardson

Helen has been a member of Kippax Parish Council since 2021. She has been involved in education for over 20 years and is keen to forge links between the council and the local schools. She is an active member of the Youth and Leisure Committee, Community Pantry Committee and Christmas Lights Committee.

Steven Shannon

Steven was co-opted onto Kippax Parish Council in January 2025. He is a keen "Wombler" and takes pride in clearing our surrounding areas of litter.  Steven attends St. Aidens RSPB Forum, is a Trustee of Vicars Court and is also a Parish Councillor for Allerton.  He is very proactive and approachable and is happy to stop and chat while walking the dogs around Kippax. 


Chris Weightman

Chris Weightman

East Ward

Chris joined Kippax Parish Council in November 2023 and is a member of the Finance and Corporate Governance Committee. Chris has a keen interest in serving Kippax residents and helping the council do it's best for the local community.