Kippax Voice - The new Kippax Newsletter

The Kippax Voice is the new newsletter launched by Kippax Parish Council to help share local news, upcoming events, promote Kippax and draw attention to local groups in and around Kippax.

It is primarily a digital publication with a limited number of printed copies that are distributed around Kippax in central locations. You will be able to find hard copies of the Newsletter at Kippax Library, Kippax Swimming Pool, The COOP, The Post Office, Station Road Newsagents. Other locations will hopefully be added in the future.

The newsletter will be shared online via our Kippax Parish Council Facebook page and shard with the Kippax based pages as well as alongside our website.

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and if you have anything that would make a good feature in the newsletter please get in touch via 



Kippax Voice

 2024 Winter Edition No 1


2025 Spring Edition No 2

Coming Soon - Edition No 3

Coming Soon - Edition No 4